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Climate Strategies

Viet Nam: Renewable Energy Strategy up to 2030

Key Objectives/Targets

"The strategy states that the proliferation of renewable energy (RE) in Viet Nam should be done in accordance with socio-economic development needs. The RE Strategy will focus on ""proven"" technologies, such as wind, solar, biomass, biogas, and hydropower. The law will incentivize RE uptake through market mechanisms, such as devoting capital from all economic sectors towards RE, and improving RE technology competitiveness. The specific goals are as follows:
* Increase the total production and use of RE sources from approx. 25 million ton of oil equivalent in 2015 to 37 million TOE in 2020; approx. 62 million TOE in 2030 and 138 million TOE in 2050
* The RE share in total primary energy consumption in 2015 shall be approx. 31.8%; 31% in 2020; 32.3% in 2030 and 44% in 2050.
*Increase the total electricity production from RE sources from approx. 58 billion kWh in 2015 to 101 billion kWh in 2020, approx. 186 billion kWh in 2030 and 452 billion kWh in 2050. The share of RE-based electricity in the total national production shall rise from 35% in 2015 to 38% in 2020; 32% in 2030 and 43% in 2050.
* Increase the absorption area of solar water-heating units from approx. 3 million m^2 in 2015 to about 8 million m^2 in 2020; approx. 22 million m^2 in 2030 and approx. 41 million m^2 in 2050. *Increase the proportion of households with solar water-heating devices (solar water-heating panels, residential cooking hobs, air heating and cooling units, water distillation, etc.) from approx. 4.3% in 2015 to 12% in 2020, 26% in 2030 and 50% in 2050.
*Scale up the application of biogas technologies with a construction volume of from approx. 4 million m3 in 2015 to 8 million m^3 in 2020; approx. 60 million m^3 in 2030, and 100 million m^3
in 2050.
*Increase the production of biofuels from approx. 150 thousand TOE in 2015 to about
800 thousand TOE, , i.e. 5% of transport sector’s fuel demand in 2020; 3.7 million TOE, i.e.
13% of transport sector’s fuel demand in 2030; 10.5 million TOE, i.e. 25% of transport
sector’s fuel demand in 2050."

Viet Nam: Approval of the Revised National Power Development Master Plan for the 2011-2020 Period

Key Objectives/Targets

"This policy reiterates the need for development in the power sector to improve electricity access. Domestic electricity will be used with a ""rational"" amount of imported electricity.  
* The share of electricity produced by hydropower will be 29.5% in 2020, 20.5% un 2025, and 15.5% in 2030
* The share of electricity produced by wind power will be 0.8% in 2020, 1.1% in 2025, 15.5% in 2030
* The share of electricity produced by biomass will be 1.1% in 2020, 1.2% in 2025, 2.1% in 2030
* The share of electricity produced by solar power will be 0.5% in 2020, 1.6% in 2025, 3.3% in 2030
* The share of electricity produced by thermal power (LNG) will be 16.6% in 2020, 19% in 2025, and 16.8% in 2030
* The share of electricity produced by coal will be 49.3% in 2020, 55% in 2025, and 53.2% in 2030 
* A nuclear power plant will go into operation in 2028"

Viet Nam: National Action Plan for the Implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda

Key Objectives/Targets

This document outlines Vietnam's Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, and integrate their targest into socioeconomic development. Several of these targets pertain to climate change. For example, Goal 2 is to build natural disaster warning capacities, and to prepare for the effects of rising sea levels. Goal 7 states the need to reach 3% renewable energy in 2020, and 32.3% renewable energy in 2030. Furthermore, Goal 3 states that need to improve public transit.

Viet Nam: Viet Nam National Energy Development Strategy

Key Objectives/Targets

"Aims to provide sufficient energy to meet Viet Nam's socioeconomic development goals. Specific targets include: 
* 175-195 million ToE of oil by 2050, and 320-350 million ToE provuded by 2045 
* 120-130 GW total installed capacity of power sources by 2030
* 550-600 million kwh of power outpout by 2030 
* The share of renewable energy will be 15-20% in 2030, and 25-30% in 2045 
* By 2030, GHG emissions from the energy sector will be 15% less than the BaU scenario by 2030, and 20% less by 2045
Furthermore, the plan aims to development an efficient grid system with regional interconnectivity. But this law notably also calls for the expansion of fossil fuel sectors like coal and LNG alongside renewable energy development"

Viet Nam: Action Program for Transition to Green Energy and Mitigation of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions from Transportation

Key Objectives/Targets

"This policy outlines a phased approach to decarbonizing transportation, including road travel, maritime, aviation, and urban transport. The phases are the 2022-2030 period, and the 2031-2050 period. 
* In terms of roadways, from 2022-2030, Viet Nam plans to shift the manufacturing, assembly, and vehicle imports to EVs, though they say they will also promote the use of blended fuels. By 2040, Viet Nam hopes to phase out the manufacturing, assembly, and importing of road vehicles with fossil fuels for domestic use. By 2050, Viet Nam als aims to use 100% electricity and green energy for traffic use. 
* In terms of urban traffic, from 2025 onwards, Viet Nam will use electricity and green energy to power 100% of new buses. In large cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city, the rate of public transport will reach 45-50% and 25%, respectively. From 2030 onwards, at least 50% of vehicles will be using electricity and green energy, and 100% for new taxis. By 2050, electricity and green energy will be used for 100% of buses and taxis. "

Viet Nam: Viet Nam Action Plan for Methane Emissions Reduction by 2030

Key Objectives/Targets

"In line with the Global Methane Pledge (GMP), under this plan, Viet Nam aims to: 
* Reduce overall methane emissions by at least 13.34% below 2020 levels by 2025 
* reduce overall emissions by at least 30% below 2020 levels by 2030 "

Viet Nam: Vietnam Eighth Power Development Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

"* Viet Nam's energy development is key for national security and the shift towards a green, low-carbon, circular economy. The plan also mentions a goal to connect Viet Nam's electricity grid of that with Laos, and import electricity. Specific targets include: 
* Commercial electricity: Around 335,0 billion kWh by 2025; around 505,2 billion kWh by 2030; around 1.114,1 - 1.254,6 billion kWh by 2050. 
* Manufactured and imported electricity: Around 378,3 billion kWh by 2025; around 567,0 billion kWh by 2030; around 1.224,3 - 1.378,7 billion kWh by 2050. 
* Control the level of greenhouse gas produced by modern production processes down to around 204 - 254 million tonne by 2030 and down to around 27 - 31 million tonne by 2050. Aim to limit peak emission level at 170 million tonne by 2030 
* By 2030, have electricity export capacity reach around 5.000 - 10.000 MW. 
* . By 2030, land-based wind power capacity reaches 21.880 MW (with Vietnam's total potentials around 221.000 MW).
* By 2030, offshore wind power capacity serving domestic electricity demand reaches around 6.000 MW, and will reach around 70.000 - 91.500 MW by 2050. 
* In terms of solar power, by 2030, total capacity of solar power sources is expected to increase to about 967.100 MW; by 2050, total capacity is around 168.594 - 189.594 MW 
* By 2030, total capacity of hydroelectricity is expected to reach 29.346 MW. By 2050, this will reach 36.016 MW of total capacity 
* By 2050, coal-fired electricity is no longer present, and the energy transition to biomass and ammonia is complete, to reach around 25.632 - 32.432 MW of total capacity  
* By 2030, the makeup of electricity sources will be as follows: 8.5% solar power, 1.5% biomass, 19.5% hydroelectricity, 1.6% pump storage electricity, 0.2% storage batteries, 1.8% cogeneration, 20% coal fired, 9.9% gas fired, 14.9% LNG, 3.3% imported 
* By 2050, the electricity sources will include: 12.2-13.4% land-based wind power, 14.3-16% wind power, 33-34.4% solar power, 1-1.2% hydroelectricity"

Viet Nam: Master Plan on National Energy for the Period 2021-2030, Vision to 2050

Key Objectives/Targets

"The plan sets target for the energy sector as a whole. It includes new targets for the stockpiling and production of various fuels.  Targets include:
* Energy-related GHG emissions of 399-449 MtCO2e in 2030 and 101 MtCO2e in 2050. 
* Having a total energy demand of 155 mtoe by 2030 and 165-184 Mtoe in 2050. 
* Investments of 4,133-4,808 trillion VND for the energy sector until 2030 (17-26% reduction from BAU scenario), and 11,170-14,590 VND from 2030-2050. 
* Develop a CCUS capacity of 1 Mtpa by 2040 and 3-6 Mtpa by 2050.

Fuel-specific targets include:
* Coal output of 41-47 Mtpa for 2021-2030, 39 Mtpa by 2045 and 33 Mtpa by 2050. 
* Natural gas output of 5.5-15 bm3pa during 2021-2030, and 10-15 for 2031-2050.
* Oil output of 6-9.5 Mtpa for 2021-2030, and 7-9 Mtpa for 2031-2050. 
* Share of RE in the energy supply of 8-10% in 2030, and 15-20% in 2050.
* Biofuel use of 0.20 mtcoe by 2030 and 13 mtcoe by 2050.
* Biogas production of 60 mm3 by 2030 and 100 mm3 by 2050. 
* Hydrogen production of 0.1-0.2 Mtpa by 2030 and 10-20 Mtpa by 2050.
* Synthetic fuel production of 2 to 3 Mtpa by 2050"

Lao People's Democratic Republic: National Green Growth Strategy Until 2030

Key Objectives/Targets

The National Green Growth Strategy Until 2030 is, according to the Government, "A supplementary strategy which is developed for providing direction and basis for integrating green growth into the sector and local plans in each period, ensuring uniform determination of standards and minimizing inconsistencies, and for encouraging and promoting efficient and effective implementation of the programs and projects that relate to green and sustainable growth in these strategies and plans to ensure achievements of the national socio-economic development goals and the sector and local developments goals in accordance with green and sustainable direction as specified in the Vision 2030, the 10-year Strategy (2016-2025) and the 8th Five-Year National Socio- Economic Development Plan (2016-2020)."

Lao People's Democratic Republic: Natural Resources and Environment Strategy, 2016-2025

Key Objectives/Targets

The policy aims at achieving sustainable utilisation and management of natural resources and environment. The strategy is divided into five main themes: sustainable use, management, protection and conservation of natural resources, improvement of environmental quality, adaptation to climate change, enhancement of collaboration collaboration and coordination, and building of the capcacities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. 

Lao People's Democratic Republic: Renewable Energy Development Strategy, approved under the Prime Minister’s Decree No. 324/GOL

Key Objectives/Targets

The policy aims at fostering the development of renewable energy sources. It sets out a strategy for RE deployment and present possible implementation measures, with a focus on small developments, self sufficiency use, grid development and promotion of biofuels. The priorities of the policy are to provide financial incentives, and improving laws and regulation to accelerate RE deployment. 

Lao People's Democratic Republic: Decree on Climate Change

Key Objectives/Targets

The strategy's "overall objectives are to contribute to developing the forestry sector and provide environmental protection, particularly addressing issues of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as supporting socio-economic development and livelihood improvement."

Lao People's Democratic Republic: National REDD+ Strategy

Key Objectives/Targets

The strategy's "overall objectives are to contribute to developing the forestry sector and provide environmental protection, particularly addressing issues of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as supporting socio-economic development and livelihood improvement."

Lao People's Democratic Republic: 9th Five-Year National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2021-2025)

Key Objectives/Targets

The Five-Year Plan "sets out the fundamental direction for creating a new turning point in socio-economic development in the coming years". It is a comprehensive document that outlines the government's priorities and targets for achieving economic growth, poverty reduction, and social development over the next five years, in order to prepare Lao PDR's graduation from LDC. It includes a green growth component. The plan sets specific goals and targets for various areas. Targets related to climate change were already included in other policies, in particular in the country's NDC.

Lao People's Democratic Republic: Power Development Plan 2020-2030

Key Objectives/Targets

The PDP is the main long-term strategy for the development of the power sector in Lao PDR. The four objectives of the plan are "to ensure the reliability and security of Lao power system and to get in line with National Socio-economic Development Plan in each period, to diversify the variety of electricity generation such as: hydropower, coal, solar, wind, to expand the Transmission and Distribution system to get in line with electricity generation plan and power demand both for domestic and export, and to reduce power import from neighboring countries and increase  power supply during peak demand in the dry season".

Lao People's Democratic Republic: Strategy on Climate Change

Key Objectives/Targets

This policy aims at defining the government's key strategies regarding climate change adaptation and mitigation. The strategy includes a set of 6 guiding principles for the integration of climate change in the country's policy framework, including the provision that adaptation and mitigation must be integrated in the social economic development plans. The document sets out policy options for multiple sector.

Cambodia: Cambodia's Updated Nationally Determined Contribution

Key Objectives/Targets

* economy-wide emissions reduction of 41.7% including LULUCF, or 26.5% excluding LULUCF from business as usual levels, by 2030
* renewable power investment, carbon pricing, vehicle inspection, urban planning, energy efficiency, poverty reduction
* voluntary schemes in industry
(BAU baseline: In the BAU scenario, overall GHG emissions in 2030 without the FOLU are expected to rise by up to 79 million tCO2e/year, while overall GHG emissions with the FOLU are expected to increase to 155 million tCO2e/year.)

Cambodia: Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014 – 2023 (CCCSP)

Key Objectives/Targets

1. Promote climate resilience through improving food, water and energy security;
2. Reduce sectoral, regional, gender vulnerability and health risks to climate change
3. Ensure climate resilience of critical ecosystems (Tonle Sap Lake, Mekong River, coastal
ecosystems, highlands, etc.), biodiversity, protected areas and cultural heritage sites;
4. Promote low-carbon planning and technologies to support sustainable development;
5. Improve capacities, knowledge and awareness for climate change responses;
6. Promote adaptive social protection and participatory approaches in reducing loss and
damage due to climate change;
7. Strengthen institutions and coordination frameworks for national climate change
responses; and
8. Strengthen collaboration and active participation in regional and global climate change

Cambodia: Intended Nationally Determined Contribution - INDC

Key Objectives/Targets

* reduce poverty while maintaining a 7-8% annual economic growth rate
* become a low-middle income country by 2018, and a high-middle income country by 2030 (least-developed country as of 2015, low-mid as of 2023)
* increase climate resilience of agriculture, infrastructure, forestry, human health, and coastal zones
* reduce up to 3100 Gg CO2 equivalent by 2030 from predicted baseline of 11600 Gg by 2030 (aggregate 27% emissions reduction) - primarily from energy
* increase forest cover from 57% (2015) to 60% by 2030

- Promoting and improving the adaptive capacity of communities, especially through community based adaptation actions, and restoring the natural ecology system to respond to climate change
- Implementing management measures for protected areas to adapt to climate change
- Strengthening early warning systems and climate information dissemination
- Developing and rehabilitating the flood protection dykes for agricultural and urban development
- Increasing the use of mobile pumping stations and permanent stations in responding to mini-droughts, and promoting groundwater research in response to drought and climate risk
- Developing climate-proof agriculture systems for adapting to changes in water variability to enhance crop yields.
- Promoting climate resilient agriculture in coastal areas through building sea dykes and scaling-up of climate-smart farming systems
- Developing crop varieties suitable to Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ) and resilient to climate change
- Promoting aquaculture production systems and practices that are adaptive to climate change
- Repairing and rehabilitating existing road infrastructure and ensuring effective operation and maintenance, taking into account climate change impacts
- Up-scaling the Malaria Control Program towards pre-elimination status of malaria
- Up-scaling of national programmes to address the risk of acute respiratory infection, diarrhoeal disease and cholera in disaster-prone areas. Including conducting surveillance and research on water-borne and food-borne diseases associated with climate change
- Strengthening technical and institutional capacity to conduct climate change impact assessments, climate change projections, and mainstreaming of climate change into sector and sub-sector development plans.

Cambodia: National Policy, Strategy and Action Plan on Energy Efficiency in Cambodia

Key Objectives/Targets

* In 2020, 80% of villages will be connected to the national grid and another 20% will be supplied by other energy sources such as electricity imported from neighbouring countries or single supply systems. In 2030, 95% of villages of the whole country will be connected to the national grid while another 5% of the villages will be connected to single supply systems with a quality of supply similar to the national grid. ---- In 2020, the gap of electricity selling prices between urban and rural areas will be reduced and the price difference should not exceed 15%.; In 2020, at least 50% of households in Cambodia will be grid-connected with the same quality of supply as those connected to the national grid and 70% of households will follow up to 2030.
* reduce national energy demand by 20% by 2035 from BAU projections
* promote biodigestion/gasification of biomass for energy use
* reduce national CO2 emissions by 3 Mt CO2 by 2035 from BAU projections
* attract private investment in energy infrastructure
* improve energy data collection, processing, and public availability

Cambodia: Power Development Masterplan (PDP) 2022-2040

Key Objectives/Targets

Objectives are firstly, to fulfill the future demand for power adequacy with the supply of reliable and affordable electricity across all sectors in Cambodia. Secondly, to strengthen energy security by reducing the dependency on energy imports and maximizing the development of domestic energy resources. Thirdly, to increase the share of clean energy, including renewable and variable renewable energy, and energy efficiency, by ensuring reliability and affordability of supply, to contribute to the achievement of Cambodia’s national environmental goals and global commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Import energy from Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand, rapidly increase solar PV capacity, also increase hydro, gas, oil, battery, and biomass usage; nearly double coal usage and then hold it steady at 2,266 MW; installed capacity should more than quadruple over the next 2 decades (see fig 6)

Cambodia: National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030

Key Objectives/Targets

Sets a long list of goals, including the following: engage green private investors, prepare regulations for a green economy, use an ecosystem services payment system, attract carbon credit markets for ecological conservation, measure and control marine pollution, research impacts of sea level rise in Cambodia, educate the coastal public about green growth, strengthen tourism sector...

Cambodia: Regulations on General Conditions for Connecting Solar PV Generation Sources to the Electricity Supply System of National Grid

Key Objectives/Targets

Provides regulatory guidance on Cambodia's solar market, namely:
* any legal person may operate a solar system for their OWN consumption if said system is NOT connected to the national grid
* to connect to the national electricity grid as a consumer, the consumer must supply power at at least 380 volts, adbide by technical standards and safety conditions, and may only use generated solar energy for their own consumption.  In exceptional cases, a consumer may feed energy into the national grid with approval from the EAC and a written agreement from the EDC
*solar energy suppliers who are connected to the national grid may only sell electricity to the EDC (Electritie du Cambodge), the organization which operates the national grid
* before a solar energy project can be connected to the grid, it must be evaluated by the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the EDC, and included in the Power Development Master Plan of the MInistry of Mines and Energy

Cambodia: Environment and Natural Resources Code (ENRC)

Key Objectives/Targets

* Art 13: polluting individuals are responsible for the cost of repairs and measures to prevent, avoid, and reduce environmental damage
* Art 14: individuals who use natural resources must pay for the costs and consequences of that usage
* Art 12: information on environmental protection and resource management must be disseminated widely to the public so they are able to participate in decision making
* Art 11: individuals who may be directly or indirectly affected by any decision regaurding the environment and natural resources have the right to participate in the decision-making after receiving information and before the decision is made.
* Art 10: Individuals may not take action that harms the environment and natural resources.  If they must make such an action, they must take appropriate action to minimize such damage.
* Art 18: The public interest must prevail over the interests of private individuals or legal entities on the decision-making process regarding the environment and natural resources
* Art 19: environmental protection and sustainable development must be integrated into development planning from the early stages, and in policies/laws
* Art 39: Permission to import live organisms requires a risk assessment and approval from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
* Art 36: MOE (Ministry of Environment) shall supervise all activities related to biosafety
Note: (translated from Khmer by Google, exact wording may be subject to translation errors)

Malaysia: Tenth Malaysia Plan 2011-2015

Key Objectives/Targets

The Tenth Malaysia Plan encapsulates the ambitions of both the Government Transformation Programme and the New Economic Model, with a focus on achieving higher income levels, promoting inclusivity, and ensuring sustainability.The report mentions that efforts to fund and support sustainability initiatives encompass the introduction of Feed-in Tariff (FiT) to facilitate financing for renewable energy projects, advocating for projects that qualify for carbon credits, and encouraging investment in green technology.
 In an efforts to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, the government has initiated several programs concentrated on five key areas:

i)Enhancing incentives for investments in renewable energy, incorporating the implementation of a one percent Feed-in Tariff (FiT).
ii)Encouraging energy efficiency to promote effective energy utilization.
iii)Enhancing solid waste management practices.
iv) Preserving forest resources.
v) Minimizing emissions to enhance air quality, encompassing emissions from vehicles, industries, and the prevention of haze pollution arising from land and forest fires.

Malaysia: Eleventh Malaysia Plan 2016-2020

Key Objectives/Targets

The 11th Malaysia Plan, guided by the Malaysian National Development Strategy, identifies the importance of developing a climate resilient growth strategy divided into adaptation and mitigation activities over the period 2016-2020. It replaces the 11th Malaysia Plan. Under adaptation, actions focus on developing a robust risk framework to assess and quantify climate risk faced by Malaysia's economy. Under mitigation, actions include a feed-in-tariff scheme incorporated into electricity tariffs of consumers to support the development of renewable energy, and the pursuing of the renewable energy fund established under the 11th Malaysia Plan.

Malaysia: Twelfth Malaysia Plan 2021-2025

Key Objectives/Targets

The Twelfth Malaysia Plan (12MP) will be aligned with the shared prosperity initiative encompassing three dimensions, namely economic empowerment, environmental sustainability and social re-engineering.
Economic Empowerment 
The economic empowerment dimension will include new sources of growth, including Industrial Revolution 4.0, digital economy, aerospace industry, integrated regional development as well as growth enablers such as sustainable energy sources and infrastructure connectivity.
Environmental Sustainability
The environmental sustainability dimension, among others include the blue economy, green technology, renewable energy as well as adaptation and mitigation of climate change.

Malaysia: Green Technology Master Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

The Green Technology Master Plan (GTMP) is fundamentally an outcome of the Eleventh Malaysia Plan (2016-2020) which has earmarked green growth as one of six game changers altering the trajectory of the nation’s growth.  The GTMP creates a framework which facilitates the mainstreaming of green technology into the planned developments of Malaysia while encompassing the four pillars set in the National Green Technology Policy (NGTP) i.e. energy, environment, economy and social.  This first edition of the GTMP focuses on six key sectors, namely Energy, Manufacturing, Transportation, Building, Waste and Water and attempts to harmonise the policy directions of each sector towards a common goal of sustainable utilisation of natural resources. The green technology goals established for each of these sectors will be progressively realised and fine-tuned in the policies and actions developed in every 5-year National Development Plan period.

Malaysia: National Green Technology Policy (NGTP)

Key Objectives/Targets

The National Green Technology Policy recognizes the importance of green technologies to achieve progress. "Green Technology shall be a driver to accelerate the national economy and promote sustainable development". The policy documents is a framework that lays down: Four Pillars (Energy, Environment, Economy & Social); National Green Technology Policy Objectives; National Goals; Strategic Thrusts and National Key Indicators.

Malaysia: National Policy on Climate Change

Key Objectives/Targets

The National Policy on Climate Change promotes the implementation of both adaptation and mitigation in an integrated and balanced manner. The National Policy serves as the framework to mobilize and guide government agencies, industry, community as well as other stakeholders and major groups in addressing the challenges of climate change in a concerted and holistic manner. Emphasis is on strengthening capacity of the nation to reduce its vulnerability to climate change whilst promoting mitigation responses that also enhance sustainable development.

Malaysia: National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2016-2025

Key Objectives/Targets

The Malaysia Energy Efficiency Action Plan is focused to tackle issues pertaining to energy supply by managing demand efficiently. The Plan prescribes a path towards improving energy efficiency by pursuing the implementation of measures that are considered as “harvesting the low hanging fruits”, as they are viable for the nation as well as the end users. The plan is built upon the experiences and knowledge from past programmes and projects and provides for the instruments for a successful implementation of energy efficiency strategies in the country for a period of 10 years. With effective implementation of Malaysia Energy Efficiency Action Plan will result in saving 50,594 GWh of electricity over the plan period compared to a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario. This will correspond to a 6.0% reduction in electricity demand growth by the end of the plan. The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan is supported by 4 main thrusts which are: 
Thrust 1: Implementation of Energy Efficiency Action Plan; 
Thrust 2: Strengthen Institutional Framework, capacity development and training for Implementation of Energy Efficiency initiatives 
Thrust 3: Establishment of Sustainable Funding Mechanisms to Implement Energy Efficiency Initiatives;  
Thrust 4: Promotion of Private Sector Investment in Energy Efficiency Initiatives 

Malaysia: National Energy Policy

Key Objectives/Targets

The National Energy Policy, 2022-2040 (DTN) strategically charts the way forward and outlines key priorities for the energy sector in the coming years. The DTN will position the energy sector as a catalyst for socioeconomic development.

Malaysia: National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

To increase RE contribution in the national power generation mix;
To facilitate the growth of the RE industry;
To ensure reasonable RE generation costs;
To conserve the environment for future generations; and
To enhance awareness on the role and importance of RE.

Malaysia: Five Fuel Diversification Policy

Key Objectives/Targets

To augment the National Energy Policy, a Five-Fuel Policy was introduced in 2001 under the 8th Malaysia Plan from 2001 to 2005. The aim was to guide the country's energy mix towards five fuels namely oil, gas, coal, hydro and renewable energy.  

Malaysia: National Automotive Policy 2020

Key Objectives/Targets

The specific objectives of NAP: Turn Malaysia into a regional hub for NxGV (Next Generation Vehicles) technology systems and vehicles production; THRUST ON ENERGY EFFICIENT VEHICLES & SUPPLY CHAIN DEVELOPMENT
Expand the domestic industry in the sector of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) particularly for the development of an integrated transport ecosystem;
Ensure the advancement of the domestic automotive industry is in line with the developments of IR 4.0;
Reduce carbon emission in-line with the ASEAN Fuel Economy Roadmap of 5.3 Lge/100km by 2025; and
Ensure the country benefits from the spin-off economy from the overall implementation of NxGV.

Malaysia: The Low Carbon Mobility Blueprint (LCMB) 2021-2030

Key Objectives/Targets

The policy framework seeks to reduce emissions from the transportation sector, which currently ranks as the second-largest CO2 emitter in the nation after the energy sector, contributing 25% to 30% of the nation’s GHG emissions with predominantly internal combustion engines (ICE) vehicles on the road. 

The blueprint deploys a policy framework to mainstream the shift towards electrification in the transportation industry as a key strategy to diminish our emissions and contribute towards the achievement of our national Paris Agreement GHG target. 

The aspiration highlighted by the Government under the LCMB is to achieve at least 15% of EV out of the total industry volume (TIV) by 2030, with 10,000 units of Charging Facilities built by 2025 (comprising 9,000 alternating current (AC) units and 1,000 direct current (DC) units). 

Singapore: Singapore Green Plan 2030

Key Objectives/Targets

The Green Plan charts ambitious and concrete targets over the next 10 years, strengthening Singapore’s commitments under the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and Paris Agreement, and positioning Singapore to achieve its long-term net zero emissions aspiration by 2050. Key targets for 2030 include-
- Plant 1 million more trees and create more green spaces. 
- Achieve at least 2 Gigawatt-peak of solar deployment by 2030
- Reduce waste sent to landfill by 30% by 2030; reduce water consumption
- 30 by 30- produce 30% of Singapore’s nutritional needs locally and sustainably
- At least 20% of schools to be carbon neutral by 2030
- All newly registered cars to be cleaner-energy models from 2030
- Deploy 60,000 EV charging points nationwide by 2030
- Reduce energy consumption in existing HDB towns by 15%
- 80% of new buildings (by Gross Floor Area) to be Super Low Energy buildings from 2030
- Singapore as a sustainable tourism destination
- Singapore as a carbon services and green finance hub in Asia

Singapore: Charting Singapore's Net Zero Future

Key Objectives/Targets

Achieve net zero emissions by 2050 as part of Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS). 
Reduce emissions to around 60 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) in 2030 after peaking emissions earlier as part of updated 2030 NDC.


Singapore: Singapore Climate Action Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

1) “Take Action Today, for a Carbon-Efficient Singapore”, contains information on how Singapore intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency to meet its 2030 climate pledge. 
2) “A Climate-Resilient Singapore, for a Sustainable Future”, explains how Singapore may be affected by climate change and its strategy to prepare for them.

Singapore: Sustainable Singapore Blueprint

Key Objectives/Targets

First released in 2009, the SSB maps out strategies for Singapore’s sustainable development.
The SSB 2015 outlines Singapore’s vision and plans for a more liveable and sustainable Singapore to support the diverse needs and growing aspirations of Singaporeans through various initiatives. 
LAYS OUT 2030 TARGET for the nation in deveoping green and blue spaces, mobility, community stewardship, resource sustainability, air quality and drainage systems.


Singapore: National Climate Change Strategy

Key Objectives/Targets

The document outlines Singapore’s plans to address climate change through a whole-of-nation approach. Entitled ‘Climate Change and Singapore: Challenges. Opportunities. Partnerships.’, the document reflects the key elements of Singapore’s climate strategy. They include reducing emissions across sectors, building capabilities to adapt to the impact of climate change, harnessing green growth opportunities as well as forging partnerships on climate change action.

Singapore: Singapore’s National Hydrogen Strategy

Key Objectives/Targets

Singapore will pace hydrogen deployment and infrastructure development in line with technological and global progress and organise efforts around five key thrusts:
1. Experiment with use of advanced hydrogen technologies & commercial readiness.
2. Invest in research and development to unlock technological bottlenecks
3. Pursue international collaborations to enable supply chains for low-carbon hydrogen
4. Undertake long-term land and infrastructure planning
5. Support workforce training and development of Singapore's broader hydrogen economy. 

Singapore: Sustainable Jurong Island report

Key Objectives/Targets

Singapore plans to transform Jurong Island into a Sustainable Energy and Chemicals Park that operates sustainably and exports sustainable products globally. This includes the study of the potential of a Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) test-bedding facility on Jurong Island - the CCU Translational Testbed. This facility will leverage the latest test bedding technologies, such as modularisation and digitalisation, to accelerate the development and scaling-up of CCU technologies in Singapore. 

Singapore: 30 by 30 vision

Key Objectives/Targets

Singapore's “30 by 30” vision aims to build its agri-food industry's capability and capacity to produce 30 per cent of its nutritional needs locally and sustainably by 2030. With less than 1 per cent of land set aside for farming, this will require Singapore's agri-food sector to grow more with less, in a highly productive, climate-resilient, and resource-efficient way.

Singapore: Singapore Green Building Masterplan (SGBMP)

Key Objectives/Targets

The SGBMP aims to deliver three key targets of “80-80-80 in 2030”.
1) Stepping up the pace to green 80% of its buildings by 2030
2) 80% of new developments by GFA to be Super Low Energy (SLE) buildings from 2030
3) Achieving 80% improvement in energy efficiency for best-in-class green buildings by 2030



Philippines: Philippine Development Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

The document acts as a plan for deep economic and social transformation to reinvigorate job creation and accelerate poverty reduction by steering the economy back on a high-growth path.
- Includes accelerating climate action (Chapter 15), Outcome 3: Low carbon economy transition enabled, which includes to a) implement the NDC policies and measures, b) Bolster private sector investments in green development, c) Ensure just transition of workers affected by the structural changes toward a greener, more sustainable, and low-carbon economy

Philippines: The National Climate Change Action Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

The document outlines specific programs and strategies for adaptation and mitigation (2011 - 2018).
- Enhances adaptive capacity and resilience of communities and natural ecosystems to climate change.
- Adopts the total economic valuation of natural resources while ensuring biodiversity conservation.
- Recognizes the competitive advantage of putting value on the direct use, indirect use, option to use and non-use of environment and natural resources, as a short to long-term sustainable development goal.

Philippines: Philippine Energy Plan (PEP)

Key Objectives/Targets

The document serves as an energy blueprint supporting  the government's Ambisyon Nation 2040 to chart a transformative direction towards attaining a clean energy future as well as a transformation plan to bring in more of the clean energy fuels and technologies that will dominate Philippines' porfolio of plans and programs for the next two decades.
- at least 35% RE share in power generation mix by 2030
- at least 50% RE share in power generation mix by 2040
- transmission lines target year completion

Philippines: Power Development Plan (PDP)

Key Objectives/Targets

The document serves as a comprehensive guide for industry stakeholders about the future landscape of the Philippines' electric power industry.
- Assesses the Philippines' power statistics and policies during 2019 - 2020
- Provides annual peakdemand forecast and power supply expansion plan under multiple scenarios
- Rolls-out the updated power sector roadmaps for generation, transmission, distribution, supply, electricity market, off-grid development, and total electrificiation.
- at least 35% RE share in power generation mix by 2030
- at least 50% RE share in power generation mix by 2040
- power sector target year completion

Philippines: National Renewable Energy Program (NREP)

Key Objectives/Targets

The document focuses on accelerating RE development in the country
- Evaluates the NREP 2011-2030.
- Updates the RE target.
- Rolls-out a revitalized NREP Framework and Roadmap.
- Identifies investment themes and financing RE.
- at least 35% RE share in power generation mix by 2030
- at least 50% RE share in power generation mix by 2040
- RE installed capacity targets by 2030 (biomass, geothermal, solar, hydropower, wind, ocean)

Philippines: National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Program (NEECP) and Roadmap

Key Objectives/Targets

The document serves as a comprehensive framewrok and plan that institionalizes energy efficiency and conservation in the country across  key sectors of the economy, and to establish the implementation of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act and institutionalize energy efficiency and conservation as a national way of life geared towards the efficient and judicious utilization of energy across all sectors.

- Outlines the roadmap of Philippine Energy Efficiency and Conservation Roadmap 2023 - 2050.
- Provide a national framewrok to institutionalize the EEC Act.
- Define and outline all EEC programs to be implemented, their objectives and associated emission reduction targets over various time horizons.
- Provide a governance structure that brings together all key stakeholders and define their respective roles in fulfilling the provisions of EEC Act.
- Provide a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework against the strategic actions of the National EEC Roadmap 2023 - 2050 to track performance against pre-defined targets and provide a basis for learning and improvement.

Philippines: Master Plan for Climate Resilient Forestry Development

Key Objectives/Targets

The document proposes programs and strategies to:

- Strengthen resilience of forest ecosystems and communities to climate change,
- Effectively respond to demands for forest ecosystems goods and services
- Promote responsive governance

Several forestry targets from 2003.

Philippines: Comprehensive Roadmap for the Electric Vehicle Industry (CREVI)

Key Objectives/Targets

The plan outlines action plan for four components: EV and EVCS, Manufacturing, Human Resource Development, and Research and Development. Roadmap provides specific targets and activites to ensure a sustainable and just transition to an electrified transport secotr in the country.

To electrify a diverse range of vehicles and establish a domestic EV industry with strong export potential, with the aim of building a sustainable future, where new EVs and the required infrastructure are locally robust with reduced environmental impact. The industry goals:
- Increase the utilization of EVs in the domestic market
- Deploy a sufficient number of EV charging points across the country between 2023 and 2040
- Position the Philippine EV industry to become a producer and exporter of EVs by 2040
- Promote sustainable economic growth and just e-mobility transition by protecting employment in the automotive industry and providing capacity-building activities and EV-specific transition programs
- Support research and development in battery research, and EVCS technology, and digitalization to spur technological innovations and strengthen the competitiveness of the local EV industry

Brunei: Energy White Paper and Renewable Energy Target Brunei Darussalam (2014)

Key Objectives/Targets

- In the residential sector, reduce energy consumption to 36% from the Business-As-Usual (business as usual) scenario which is about 16.2% of the total targeted energy intensity reduction by 2035 against a 2005 baseline
- In the commercial sector, 41% reduction which is about 18.5% of the total targeted energy intensity reduction by 2035 against a 2005 baseline
- Reduce energy consumption to 10% from the Business-As-Usual (business as usual) scenario which is about 4.5%t of the total targeted energy intensity reduction by 2035 against a 2005 baseline
- Increase efficiency in the power generation from 23% to more than 45% by 2035 against a 2005 baseline
- 45 percent energy intensity reduction by 2035 (with 2005 as the base year) by 2035 against a 2005 baseline
- Increase the share of renewable energy in the total power generation mix by 2.7 percent or 124,000 MWh by 2017 and by 10 percent or 954,000 MWh by 2035
- Reduce about 13% of energy consumption from the Business-As-Usual (business as usual) scenario which is about 5.9%t of the total targeted energy intensity reduction by 2035

Brunei: Land Transport White Paper

Key Objectives/Targets

Not clearly stated about climate change objectives.

Brunei: Brunei Darussalam National Climate Change Policy 2020

Key Objectives/Targets

- Zero routine flaring and to As Low As Reasonably Praticable;
- Increase carbon sink through afforestation and reforestation with the target of planting 500,000 new trees;ncrease 
- Total share fo EV TO 60% of total annual vehicle sales
- Increase total share of renewable energy to at least 30% of total capacity in energy mix
- Reduce GHG emissions by at least 10% throught better management of electricity consumption
- Reduce municipal waste to landfills to 1kg/person/day

Thailand: National Strategy

Key Objectives/Targets

The central goal is to transform Thailand into a 'developed country with security, prosperity, and sustainability', including relying on its Thailand 4.0 policy initiative.

The plan's objectives include to provide comprehensive guidelines to solve the problem of deteriorating and depleting natural resources and environment that the country has been facing, including foresting, degradation of soil quality, and threats to biodiversity, mismanagement of water resources.

Thailand: 13th National Economic and Social Development Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

The plan acts as a key mechanism to translate the National Strategy into implementation and as a framework for the formulation of third-level plans so as to enable relevant development partners to function in support of achieving the targets of the National Strategy within the excepted timeframe.

Thailand: 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

Provides guidelines for the implementation of the National Strategy and sets economic, social, and environmental targets to be achieved within five years.
The plan also outlines the direction of Thailand to reach higher levels of development. Principles for the plan include the ""Sufficiency Economy Philosophy"", ""Sustainable Development"", and ""Human-Centered Development"".

Thailand: Long-term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS)

Key Objectives/Targets

The policy document at the national level sets out targets and measures to be implemented towards achieving its net zero GHG emissions.
Its objectives are to:
- outline the key mitigation actions that Thailand will undertake in striving toward Paris Agreement, to be part of the solution to fight the climate crisis, which represent Thailand's continued and enhanced mitigation efforts in various sectors.
- ensure the transition to carbon neutrality of both economy and society with a holistic and full integration of all actors and a balanced consideration of economic, social, and environmental issues.

Thailand: Climate Change Master Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

Defines targets including mid-term emissions reduction target in the energy and transport sectors, renewable energy, and energy intensity target. Its objectives are to:
- provide a long-term national framework for climate change adaptation and low carbon growth promotion according to sustainability development principle
- provide a policy framework for the development of mechanisms and tools, at sectoral and national level, to achieve effective resolutions for climate change
- provide government agencies and relevant organizations with a framework for detailed action plans facilitating awareness and mutual understanding by means of a common framework of reference points, thereby increasing integration and reducing redundant processes
- provide budgeting agencies with a clear framework for budget allocation, thus enabling the mobilization of concrete climate change resolutions

Thailand: DRAFT National Energy Plan Thailand

Key Objectives/Targets

The master document integrates the Thailand Integrated Energy Blueprint that contains 5 plans (PDP, AEDP, EEP, Gas Plan, Oil Plan) and National Strategy with a target of carbon neutrality by 2065 - 2070.
- The NEP has set guidelines for the new improvement of 5 plans: a) Thailand PDP, 2) AEDP, 3) EEP, 4) Natural Gas Management Plan (Gas Plan), 5) Fuel Management Plan (Oil Plan). 
-  It has also defined four operational targets to drive for more RE by growing RE to create a balance that comes from wind, biomass, and solar: 1) Electric, 2) Natural Gas, 3) Fuel, 4) RE and EC
To lay out principles for the country's energy policy, with the goal of lowering carbon dioxide emissions to zero (carbon neutrality) by 2065 - 2070.

Thailand: Power Development Plan (PDP)

Key Objectives/Targets

To foster energy efficiency and to bring energy security to Thailand, including by reducing the share of coal in the electricity generation, but also foresees an increase of the natural gas contribution.

Thailand: Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP)

Key Objectives/Targets

To increase the share of RE for 30% of final energy consumption by the year 2037. It defines goals for the increase of RE to almost 30,000 MW by 2037, and to achieve approximately 34% of net national electrical energy demand being supplied by RE sources by 2037.
- Solar energy: 12,139 MW
- Floating solar energy: 2,725 MW
- Biomass: 5,790 MW
- Wind power: 2,989 MW
- Biogas: 1,565 MW
- Community waste: 900 MW
- Industrial waste: 75 MW
- Small hydropower: 308 MW
- Large hydropower 2,920 MW

Thailand: Energy Efficiency Plan (EEP)

Key Objectives/Targets

To reduce the final energy consumption in 2037 to 30% of the 2010 baseline, using core measures including energy efficiency improvements in industrial facilities, energy-saving housing promotions, efficiency promotions for electric appliances and eco-stickers, mandatory application of the Energy Efficiency Resource Standard, soft loan provisions for energy efficiency improvements, promoting LED use, and energy efficiency promotions in the transportation sector

Thailand: Natural Gas Management Plan (Gas Plan)

Key Objectives/Targets

To plan the procurement of natural gas to be sufficient to meet the country's demand at a fair price, as well as the following operational goals:
- to promote the use of natural gas in various economic sectors and reduce air pollution problems
- to accelerate the exploration and production of natural gas from petroleum sources within the country joint development areas
- to develop natural gas infrastructure to be appropriate and sufficient to meet demand at the level region, including making efficient use of natural gas infrastructure
- to promote competition in the natural gas business for security, prosperity, and sustainability in the energy sector of Thailand

Thailand: Oil Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

To be a long-term pan to support fuel management in line with the goal of energy conservation plan and alternative energy development plan and serve as a framework for the management of the future fuel mix which takes into account the environnment and risks that may impact both directly and indirectly to the development of the country's energy.

Thailand: Smart Grid Policy Plan and Roadmaps

Key Objectives/Targets

Roadmap to guide multi-agency efforts, particularly for EGAT, MEA, PEA in system and network modernization planning and investment .

Thailand: Environmental Sustainable Transport Master Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

To create sustainable transport; economic prosperity, environment friendly, and good social & quality of life. Several measures include:
- Change to alternative energy, green energy, and efficiency use in energy
- Road and rail integrated network around the country and neighbouring country
- Improve multi-modal transportation
- Improve transport system, efficiency, effectiveness, accesibility, safety, transport for all, (aging people and handicapped)
- more public private participation (PPP) investment

Thailand: National EV Roadmap

Key Objectives/Targets

To set a goal of transforming the country into an EV manufacturing hub (including battery manufacturing and supplies, supporting infrastructure, including charging stations and power grid management, making Evs make up at least 30% of total domestic vehicle production by 2030.

Thailand: Transport Infrastructure Development Strategy

Key Objectives/Targets

Composed of 5 plans to guide the development of the transport sector, which is as follows: intercity rail networks development, improving public transport networks and services, enhancing connectivity between key domestic production bases and neighbouring countries, increasing water transport network, and enhancing air transport capability.

Thailand: Railway Development Master Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

For the Bangkok region, the plan aims to restructure, improve, and enhance the efficiency of the rail network.

Thailand: National Industrial Development Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

To attain innovative, well-balanced, and sustainable industrial sector:
- knowledge-based industry (2012-2016), to build a strong foundation throughout the value chain by improving regulations, laying down efficient structures for raw materials and labour, developing industrial clusters, and creating ASEAN supply chain in preparation for the AEC
- innovative industry (2012-2021), to adopt more advanced technology and to innovate products and services in response to customers' needs and enhance sectors' competitiveness
- sustainable industry (2012-203), to become not only creative but also green economy by taking into account adverse social and environmental impacts, and at the same time promoting Thai brands to gain global recognitions

Thailand: National Solid Waste Management Master Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

The policy contains four measures:
- to reduce waste generation and improve waste collection by applying the ""3Rs"" (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) waste management principle, and improve the efficiency of waste separation to reduce disposal of waste
- increase waste recovery and disposal by introducing integrated technologies such as waste-to-energy systems
- improve the legal framework surrounding waste management
- encourage public involvement by promoting education, awareness campaigns and capacity building

Thailand: 20-Year Agricultural and Cooperative Strategy

Key Objectives/Targets

The policy sets out a framework for the development of the agricultural sector which includes 5 strategies: strengthening the farmers and farmer instiutions, increasing the productivity and quality standards of agricultural commodities, increasing the competitiveness in the agricultural sector through technology and innovations, balanced and sustainable management of agricultural resources and the environment, and development of the public administration system.

Thailand: 5-Year Agricultural Development Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

The plan's objectives are to:
- establish pride in the agriculture profession for being self-sustained, through continuous transfer of technology, farmers' groupings, strong linkages with external networks, and narrowing income gap.
- promote among the farmers and their institutions the upgrade of their productivity, efficiency, and standards, as well as value added agriculture in response to market demands.
- build up the competitiveness of agricultural products as well as develop applicable researches, technology, and innovations.
- perform efficient management of agricultural resources toward their adjustability and immunity in dealing with the climate change.

Thailand: 20-Year Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (BE 2560 – 2579)

Key Objectives/Targets

-achieve several goals for forest and biodiversity management which includes forest, marine and coastal resources, national parks, biodiversity, wildlife, land management, geological resources, 
- achieve serveral goals for water management
- achieve several goals for solid waste and environmental management
- achieve several goals for the enhancement of eco-friendly production and consumption
- achieve several goals for the reduction of effects of climate change and natural disasters
- achieve several goals for the development of organizational management system

Thailand: National Forest Policy

Key Objectives/Targets

- provide forest areas respecting the balance of ecosystems and utilization
- stop and prevent the destruction of forests and biodiversity
- ensure the conservation and utilization of forest resources, wildlife, and biodiversity
- efficient forest resource management system based on knowledge and innovation including participation of all sectors

Indonesia: The Implementation of Carbon Pricing to Achieve the NDC Target and Control over GHG Emissions in the National Development

Key Objectives/Targets

This policy replaces the previous National Climate Action Plan. The targets: 
- Achieve NDC (GHG emission reduction by 29%-41% by 2030 compared to baseline
- Achieve low carbon development and climate resilience by 2050

Indonesia: National Mid-term Development Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

This document is the 5 year national development plan. One of the national development agenda for 2020-2024 is Improving the Environment and Increasing Disaster and Climate Resilience. Under this development agenda, there are two priority programs related to climate:
- Improving resilience against natural disaster and climate change: aim to reduce potential GDP loss due to disaster and climate hazards by 1.25% of total GDP
- Low carbon development: aim to reduce GHG emissions by 27.3% by 2024 and reduce GHG intensity by 31.6% by 2024 

Indonesia: National Energy Plan

Key Objectives/Targets

Outline the overall national energy policy and strategy with the vision of ""Just, sustainable, and environmentally concious energy management by prioritizing development of renewable energy and energy conservation in order to establish national energy security and independence.
The strategies are 1) maximizing renewable energy use with economic consideration, 2) minimizing petroleum oil use, 3) optimizing natural gas and new energy use, and 4) utilizing coal as the backbone of national energy supply. Nuclear is put as the last resort. 
Among other targets, it sets the renewable energy share in primary energy mix target of 23% by 2025 and 31% by 2050. 
It also projects GHG emissions reduction of 34.8% by 2025 and 58.3% by 2050 compared to BAU level, aligned with NDC.

Brunei Darussalam: Brunei Darussalam National Climate Change Policy 2020

Key Objectives/Targets
  • Zero routine flaring and to as low as reasonably practicable.
  • Increase carbon sink through afforestation and reforestation with the target of planting 500,000 new trees increase.
  • Total share of EV to 60% of total annual vehicle sales.
  • Increase total share of renewable energy to at least 30% of total capacity in energy mix.
  • Reduce GHG emissions by at least 10% throughout better management of electricity consumption.
  • Reduce municipal waste to landfills to 1kg/person/day

Brunei Darussalam: Brunei Vision 2035 (Wawasan Brunei 2035)

Key Objectives/Targets

Wawasan Brunei 2035 or Brunei Vision 2035 aims to turn Brunei Darussalam into a nation widely recognized for: 
the accomplishments of its well educated and highly-skilled people as measured by the highest international standard; quality of life that is among the top 10 nations in the world; and dynamic and sustainable economy with income per capita within the top countries in the world.

Particularly, it aims for economic diversification in parallel to the reinforcement of the oil and gas sector. The Long-Term Development Plan (Brunei Vision 2035) recognizes that oil and gas resources cannot keep up with the increasing demand and population growth and set goals.